to process

Resist not the shadows… The War or the Hunt.

I watched a man stepping into the early stages of his work recently, and there is a realisation I shared with that man that I feel other men---men consciously on the path to liberation from the collective insanity we call "normality"---might benefit from reading...

Journey to where nowhere but here…

Life, the holy path, A walk to the truth of God, Seeking God, With God, As God. Journey to nowhere, But here, where I Am already, now, The sun shining and reflecting, In the full moon sky, Day or night, Even as I walk through the dark night of my illusion, Shadows and...

Coming Soon

The web-log (blog) at will be coming soon. In the mean time Jonathan maintains a weblog at which you may find of interest. Jonathan

Dialog with an “old” friend

Here are some beautiful insights sent to me by an old friend. Below that I include the response that arose to these words. Dear Jonathan Claudia directed me to your website some...

The Vision Holders

I wrote "The Wisdom Seekers" some time ago, and a friend commented on it. She talked about the idea that I—and many other people—are in fact Vision Holders, and thought that...

From the minds of men…

"Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed." From the preambe to the constitution of UNESCO quoted in 'The...

Real and unreal

Only that which is unreal can be lost or harmed. Only that which is Real exists. Belief is only required for that which is unreal. That which is Real is experienced through...


Every where I look I see the illusion of hierarchy playing out. I see it playing out within my own psyche. I see it playing out within organisations, religions, spiritual paths,...