2 min read

Last Updated on January 2, 2012

I wrote “The Wisdom Seekers” some time ago, and a friend commented on it.
She talked about the idea that I—and many other people—are in fact Vision Holders, and thought that “Wisdom Seekers is not as appropriate a term.
Here’s what my friend shared…

Also been thinking of the term ‘wisdom seekers’…I’d use the term ‘vision holder’……..you’re not seeking anything, you know it and are sharing it with others…to help them remember and wake up. (Friend)

Here’s what came up for me in reply…

I hear what you mean. Yet, in my experience so far, so long as I am still in this apparent world then I am still seeking greater wisdom… It’s all part of the human integration/experience of FOREVER EXPANDING AWARENESS IN LIBERATION. Of course with each “bit” of Wisdom revealed then that extends into Vision and I hold that vision. So both terms are accurate and what they each refer to co-exist and go hand-in-hand. To me God’s Vision is so grand and so beyond the human experience of reality that it’s always expanding from my point of view… Yet also always getting more and more simple and refined — to the point where I can’t actually explain it to people. To just say “LOVE” doesn’t do it. To just say “GOD I AM” goes right over the ego and it keeps playing it’s games. So… For now, Wisdom Seeking goes on. (Jonathan)

I could elaborate — for what it’s — and say that the Wisdom Seekers (many of whom have been seeking Wisdom throughout the course of time) are also Vision Holders. It may even be accurate to say that those who exist as Vision Holders are by their very nature Wisdom Seekers within this Dream. For they exist within the Dream yet maintain a strong sense of Vision that is beyond the normal parameters of what the Dream entails. The seeking of wisdom — so to speak — comes about through such a person following the impulse to bring that Vision forth and into their full awakened consciousness within the Dream.

Perhaps that doesn’t make a lot of sense.
Actually it’s all just terms, classifications, and idle concepts — and I don’t feel there’s any point in going into it much.

Whatever will be will be.

With love,


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