16 min read

This is Part 2 in a 2 part article. In Part 1 we looked at progesterone and hormones in general. In this part we’ll look at how to use bioidentical progesterone, progesterone supplementation, and the best natural progesterone products I’m familiar with.

Introducing Natural Progesterone

When it comes to achieving hormonal balance, since the 1990s natural progesterone has gained a lot of popularity as a solution. Unlike synthetic hormones, which can be iffy, bioidentical hormones like natural progesterone closely resemble the hormones our bodies produce.

Bioidentical hormones are derived from natural sources, such as plants, and are molecularly identical to the hormones produced within our bodies. Because of this similarity, they are better recognized and utilized by the body compared to synthetic hormones, potentially leading to more balanced effects and fewer side effects.

Bioidentical Progesterone for Hormonal Balance:

Natural progesterone, when applied topically, can be a game-changer for hormonal imbalances like estrogen dominance and low progesterone. Unlike synthetic progestins, which can be risky, bioidentical progesterone mimics our body’s natural hormone and offers benefits without the same risks.

Topical Application and Benefits:

When we apply bioidentical progesterone topically, it gradually gets absorbed through our skin, mimicking our body’s natural hormone release. This controlled absorption prevents sudden spikes in hormone levels and provides a steady supply of progesterone, promoting hormonal balance.

Addressing Hormonal Imbalances:

By incorporating bioidentical progesterone into our wellness routine, we can restore hormonal equilibrium. It helps counteract estrogen dominance by promoting a healthier balance between estrogen and progesterone. This, in turn, can alleviate symptoms like mood swings, irregular periods, and breast tenderness.

But remember, everyone is different, so individual responses may vary. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional who knows about natural hormone approaches to determine the best course of action based on your unique health profile. They’ll be your hormone superhero!

In the upcoming section, we will delve into the array of benefits that bioidentical progesterone can offer to individuals dealing with estrogen dominance and low progesterone levels.

Benefits of Natural Progesterone

Using natural progesterone can have a range of benefits for those dealing with estrogen dominance and low progesterone levels. Thanks to Dr. John Lee’s research and insights, we know just how amazing progesterone can be. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits:

Balancing Hormones and Easing Symptoms:

Let’s touch on five key benefits of balancing levels of progesterone and estrogen …

1. Regulated Menstrual Cycles: Bioidentical progesterone can help regulate irregular menstrual cycles by restoring the balance between estrogen and progesterone, promoting more predictable and comfortable periods. Days and amount of bleeding is often reduced.

2. Mood Stability: Progesterone’s calming effect on our nervous system can lead to improved mood stability. Say goodbye to mood swings, irritability, and anxiety caused by hormonal imbalances.

3. Breast Health: Adequate progesterone levels are essential for maintaining healthy breasts. By counteracting estrogen’s growth-promoting effects on breast tissue, progesterone can reduce breast tenderness and fibrocystic changes.

4. Improved Quality of Sleep: Hormonal imbalances can disrupt our sleep patterns. But with natural progesterone’s soothing influence on the nervous system, we can look forward to better sleep quality.

5. Fertility and Pregnancy Support: Balanced hormones are crucial for those trying to conceive. Progesterone helps create a healthy environment for the uterus during pregnancy and prevents premature contractions. Many women struggling to conceive will find that reducing excess estrogen, and addressing progesterone deficiency can help greatly. That’s assuming it’s not the man’s sperm that’s the issue. Also addressing underlying thyroid disorders can help, among other things.

A list of other potential benefits:

  • Decrease in occurrence of hot flashes and night sweats (according to this study, the reduction can be as high as 80%)
  • Enhancement of bone health, including osteoporosis, by exerting an osteoblastic effect
  • Alleviation of PMS symptoms, such as bloating, water retention, and mood swings
  • Restoration of ovulation and a healthy luteal phase (women in peri-menopause often experience a shortened luteal phase)
  • Reduction of uterine fibroids and endometriosis
  • Alleviation of pelvic pain
  • Increase in libido
  • Support for recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Augmentation of thyroid function (shown to elevate free thyroxine levels)
  • Prevention of breast cancer
  • Decrease or disappearance of breast lumps
  • Inhibition of mast cells releasing histamine by progesterone
  • Relief from pain associated with fibrocystic breasts
  • Deeper and more restorative sleep
  • Mood elevation
  • Alleviation of anxiety
  • Anti-inflammatory effect – I also utilized it post-surgery to reduce inflammation
  • Potential support for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases
  • Improved brain health


Dr. John Lee’s Contribution:

Dr. John Lee’s research and writings have been a game-changer in the world of natural hormones. His insights have helped countless individuals and healthcare practitioners understand the potential of bioidentical progesterone for addressing hormonal imbalances. He’s like the superhero who brought natural hormone approaches into the spotlight!

Keep in mind that while bioidentical progesterone can offer these benefits, everyone is different. It’s always a good idea to work with a knowledgeable healthcare professional who understands natural hormones. They’ll be able to guide you based on your specific needs and health status.

In the final section, we’ll give you some guidance on how to use natural progesterone safely and offer a concluding message about the importance of pursuing hormonal balance through natural means. Get ready to take charge of your hormonal health!

Using Natural Progesterone Safely

While natural progesterone has tons of potential benefits, it’s important to use it safely and wisely. It you’re not someone who innately understands and self-manages your own health, I suggest seeking the support of a Naturopath or suitably qualified healthcare professional (ideally one that is conscious of holistic approaches to health, and has educated themselves beyond the confines of medical school and Pharma-based propaganda). Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

Consultation with a Healthcare Professional:auto

Before you start using natural progesterone, it’s crucial to consult with a holistic healthcare practitioner who knows about natural hormone approaches. They’ll assess your health status, hormone levels, and specific needs to provide personalized recommendations.

Individualized Dosage and Application:

Your holistic healthcare provider will help you determine the right dosage and application method for you. Natural progesterone is often applied topically as a cream to ensure controlled absorption and steady hormone levels. That was the method Dr. John Lee was most in favour of. Although sub-lingual ingestion can also work well.

Start Slowly and Monitor:

Start with a conservative dosage and gradually increase it as advised by your healthcare professional. Regular monitoring of hormone levels and symptom improvement is key to fine-tuning your treatment.

Address Underlying Health Conditions:

Identifying and addressing any underlying health conditions that contribute to hormonal imbalances is crucial. Hormonal imbalances can result from various factors, so taking a holistic approach to wellness is essential.

Lifestyle Considerations:

Your lifestyle plays a big role in hormonal balance. Adopting a balanced diet, managing stress, staying physically active, and getting enough sleep all contribute to overall well-being.

Regular Follow-Ups:

Regular follow-up appointments with your holistic healthcare provider are essential to assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

Natural Doesn’t Mean Risk-Free:

While natural progesterone is considered safer and more compatible with our bodies compared to synthetic hormones, it’s important to remember that all hormonal interventions carry potential risks and benefits. Pay attention to any side effects and report them to your healthcare professional.

Avoid Self-Diagnosis and Self-Treatment:

I don’t personally subscribe to the commonly held belief that people can’t manage their own health. I’ve not had a doctor most of my life. I am someone who takes such important matters into my own hands. But health knowledge and bodily intuition is not everyone’s forte or skillset. What’s more, when it comes to hormonal imbalances, it can be difficult to self-diagnose and therefore to be successful at self-treatment. Hormones are complex, and they have powerful effects at extremely low levels. So using natural progesterone without proper knowledge can easily lead to unintended consequences. If you have any doubt (and most people should have such doubts, unless they are trained in healthcare themselves) find yourself a conscious and knowledgable holistically minded healthcare professional to assist you.

Contraindications: Who should not use progesterone?

Women with progesterone receptor-positive breast cancer should avoid the use of topical progesterone. While progesterone may not be the primary factor contributing to this particular type of breast cancer, functional oncologists and functional endocrinologists emphasize the significance of how the body metabolizes progesterone into specific compounds, often referred to as “dirty” progesterones. These metabolites can potentially lead to complications, along with the use of progestins found in birth control pills. Additionally, the use of synthetic estrogen and progestin is strongly suspected to play a role in the development of ER+ and PR+ breast cancers.

Moreover, there is evidence indicating that the use of birth control pills might elevate the risk of breast cancer and could be a contributing factor in a significant number of breast cancer cases. However, it is essential to await further research that can offer a clearer understanding of the causes and contributing factors related to progesterone receptor-positive breast cancer before considering the use of topical progesterone for individuals with this condition.

Aside from the mentioned breast cancer patients, individuals dealing with hormonal imbalances or those who have received medical advice against its use should also refrain from using topical progesterone.

In conclusion, achieving hormonal balance is a journey that requires professional guidance, patience, and commitment. Natural progesterone offers a natural alternative for addressing hormonal imbalances, but it’s important to work with a healthcare professional who understands natural hormone approaches. Together, you can navigate the complexities of your unique health profile, ensuring that your journey towards hormonal balance is guided and supported. Remember, your body’s well-being is worth the care and attention you invest in it.

Dr. John Lee’s Recommendations for Using Natural Progesterone Creams

Navigating the world of natural progesterone creams can raise questions about optimal usage, dosages, and application techniques. Dr. John R. Lee, a renowned authority on natural progesterone, has provided invaluable guidelines that empower individuals to use these creams effectively.

These guidelines, informed by Dr. Lee’s expertise, offer insights on how to make the most of natural progesterone while maintaining hormonal balance. As you embark on this journey, I encourage you to collaborate with a healthcare provider well-versed in bioidentical hormones to ensure your path to hormonal equilibrium is guided and safe.

Determining the Right Dosage:

Dr. Lee stressed the importance of using a physiological dose of progesterone when using creams. This means replicating the natural amount of progesterone our bodies produce when we’re healthy.

Dosage Recommendations:

  • For Women with Regular Menstrual Cycles: During the second half of the menstrual cycle, women usually produce 15 to 25 mg of progesterone daily. A daily dose of 20 to 25 mg is often recommended.
  • For Menopausal Women: Women going through or having gone through menopause usually produce slightly less progesterone, around 10 to 20 mg. A daily dose of 10 to 15 mg is commonly suggested.
  • For Men: Men naturally produce the least progesterone, around 5 to 8 mg daily. A daily dose of 5 to 8 mg is often advised.

Balancing Individual Variations:

Since we’re all unique, some individuals may need higher doses, while others may do well with lower doses. Listen to your body and work with your healthcare provider to find the right dose for you.

Measuring the Cream:

It’s important to get a relatively accurate measurement of the progesterone cream you use. This is one advantage to using an oil that is dispensed as drops (see my recommendations below). Drops are easier to count than measuring a cream. Regular kitchen measuring spoons usually don’t get any smaller than 1/4 teaspoon. So for accurate measurement of smaller amounts of cream I suggest buying a set of “pinch dash tad and smidgen” measuring spoons. You’ll find examples of what I mean here.

Applying the Cream:

  • Women with Regular Menstrual Cycles: If your cycle is around 26 to 30 days, you can start using progesterone cream between day 10 and 12, counting day 1 as the first day of your period. Continue until a day or two before your expected period.
  • Menopausal Women: Apply progesterone cream for 24 to 26 consecutive days of the calendar month, followed by a 5 to 6-day break.
  • Men: Men can apply progesterone cream once per day without the need for breaks.

Application Technique:

  • Gently massage the cream into areas of thinner skin, like the face, neck, upper chest, inner arms, palms of hands, and soles of feet. As you’re likely to wash your hands after application, I suggest using the inside of your forearm(s) to rub the cream or oil into your choosen body area. For example, you can easily apply the cream / oil to the upper abdomen with the forearm.
  • Split your daily dose into two portions for better absorption and effects. This is not necessary for men.
  • Apply the larger portion at bedtime for its calming influence on sleep and the smaller portion in the morning.
  • Rotate application areas daily to prevent saturation. Combine fast-release and slow-releasing areas (see below)
  • Apply the cream after a warm shower or bath, but not before.
  • Let the cream fully absorb before applying makeup on your face. (Remember, only use entirely natural, organic make-up and body-care products)

It’s believed that those body areas with more fat will tend to store and release progesterone slower than areas with less fat. To take advantage of this, apply some to fatty (slow-releasing) areas and some to non-fatty (fast releasing) areas.

Fast-releasing areas

  • Neck and Face
  • Wrists (inner and outer)
  • Forearms (in slim individuals)
  • Chest (above the breasts)
  • Behind the knees
  • Feet (top and bottom)
  • Ankles

Slow-releasing ares

  • Breasts
  • Belly
  • Inner thighs

Exploring Further Knowledge:

If you want to dive deeper into natural progesterone creams and other bioidentical hormone topics, check out Dr. John Lee’s book. They’re full of information, research, and practical advice to help you on your journey to hormonal balance. Pair that knowledge with healthy lifestyle practices, exercise, nourishing foods, and safe, natural products, and you’ll be on your way to optimal well-being.

Hormone Testing Consideration:

Periodic hormone testing can be helpful to gauge whether your progesterone cream regimen is maintaining adequate progesterone levels and to assess other important hormone markers. You can find accessible hormone tests on the Official Website of Dr. John Lee.

As you embrace Dr. John Lee’s recommendations, remember that partnering with a knowledgeable healthcare provider is crucial. Together, you can tailor your approach to natural progesterone use, ensuring a harmonious path to hormonal balance and overall vitality.


Achieving hormonal balance is a key aspect of our overall health and well-being. Hormones, like estrogen and progesterone, play a vital role in our bodies, and maintaining their balance is crucial. Thanks to Dr. John Lee’s research and insights, we now have a better understanding of how natural progesterone can help restore hormonal harmony.

As you embark on your journey to hormonal balance, remember the importance of working with a healthcare professional who understands natural hormone approaches. They’ll guide you on the best course of action based on your unique health profile. Embrace the knowledge shared in this article and consider delving deeper into Dr. Lee’s works for a more comprehensive understanding.

By pursuing hormonal balance through natural means, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and incorporating safe, natural products like bioidentical progesterone, you can achieve a profound sense of harmony and vitality in every facet of your life. Your body deserves the care and attention you invest in it.

Three Bioidentical Progesterone Products I Recommend


This is the product I’ve known about the longest. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, when I was making and selling a number of hormone and thyroid related health programs, one of those programs included a progesterone supplement I was making. I was selling those programs online, and for customers in the United States I would recommend this particular cream instead of shipping our sublingual oral progesterone spray (as I was not allowed to export it from New Zealand). I spoke with the couple (a husband and wife team) who make the product, and was happy with the ingredients they used.

Kokoro Balance Creme for Women, Bioidentical Natural Progesterone Cream for Menopause Support, 2oz Jar, Paraben-Free, No Phytoestrogens, Recommended by Dr. Lee Since 1996, Vegan and PETA Formulation


Progesterone Cream for Women | 2000mg | Dermatologist-Tested, From Wild Yam | For Balance & Menstrual Support At Mid-Life* | Hypoallergenic, Soy Free Micronized USP Progesterone (96 Servings)

Oil instead of cream?: If you want to avoid even the “natural” ingredients in the above-mentioned creams, I’d suggest using an oil. It’s about as pure and simple as one can get. Just a base oil plus the progesterone. Here is one I recommend:

Bezwecken – ProgonB-L

Bezwecken – ProgonB-L 4X – 10mL Topical Oil Blend – Professionally Formulated PMS & Pre-Menopause Symptom Support – Safe, Natural, Paraben Free – 30 Day Supply


References & Further Reading:

  1. Lee, John R. “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause: The Breakthrough Book on Natural Progesterone.” Warner Books, 1996.
  2. Lee, John R. “Hormone Balance Made Simple: The Essential How-to Guide to Symptoms, Dosage, Timing, and More.” Wellness Central, 2006.
  3. Lee, John R., and Jesse Hanley. “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause: Balance Your Hormones and Your Life from Thirty to Fifty.” Grand Central Publishing, 1999.
  4. Prior, Jerilynn C. “Progesterone for treatment of symptomatic menopausal women.” Climacteric 12.1 (2009): 1-2.
  5. Schüssler, Petra, and Christine Klapp. “Premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: guidelines for management.” Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology 30.4 (2009): 237-240.
  6. Women’s Health Network. “Dr. John Lee’s recommendations for using natural progesterone cream.
  7. Northrup, Christiane. “The Wisdom of Menopause: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing During the Change.” Bantam, 2006.
  8. Kent Holtorf, Eric, “The bioidentical hormone debate: are bioidentical hormones (estradiol, estriol, and progesterone) safer or more efficacious than commonly used synthetic versions in hormone replacement therapy?”, PubMed.

Please note that the above references provide valuable sources of information that have contributed to the content of this article. I encourage you to explore these resources for further in-depth understanding and insights into the topics discussed. I especially recommend reading the books by the late Dr. John Lee, M.D.

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