Spiritual Awakening

Alcohol and the human spirit

What are the potential effects of alcohol on the human spirit and being? Why is it attractive, and…

Activating the Kundalini?

Is it wise to try and activate the kundalini? What is the natural way for this potent life-force…

Yoga as sacred service

Contrary to common modern interpretation, yoga practice was not intended to be merely for one’s own…

Is your world for real?

Those who have attended one of the many talks, workshops, and retreats I have held internationally will have been exposed to an exploration of what is Real. Some people get it...

“I” Statements

[Republication of a blog entry. Orginally published in Dec. 2004] The profound significance of making I-statements I imagine the first impression of someone reading this would be...

The Gift of Longing

The Gift of Longing Within the Heart of Man is a deep longing. So long as this longing remains unconscious and un-integrated it emerges in many ways that may appear to bring us...


Yoga, meditation, and even so-called enlightenment... it's all about approach and arrival. From another perspective it is therefore about letting go. Letting go of what, exactly?...

Empowering our teenagers

I maintain a group called Human Empowerment over on LinkedIn (a professional/social networking site). You can access that group HERE. Recently a member raised the following...