
The origins of SARS-Cov-2 (and Covid-19) – Jordan Peterson | Matt Ridley

To address an issue we must identify and address its origin. What is the origin of SARS-CoV-2, and…

Essential Viewing: The Century of the Self by Adam Curtis

The Century of the Self is a brilliant four-part documentary that I consider to be essential…

Why do women shave their body hair?

Why do women shave their armpits, legs, and genitals? When did the idea of women shaving their body…

The Bitter Truth – Is sugar a poison?

My mother, in her great wisdom, was not fond of my brothers and I eating sugar. Relative to most of my childhood friends I was on a low sugar and low salt diet. Over a number of...

David Wilcock – the 2012 Enigma

An informative talk from David Wilcock at the Conscious Life expo, talking on 2012 and his views on it. He covers a lot of material here, much of which is completely outside the...