8 min read

Last Updated on January 5, 2023

Recently I engaged in a written discussion on channelling. Channelling has become a relatively common practice within the so-called “New Age” movement and contemporary spirituality in the Western World. What I shared in this discussion was my perspective on channelling, from the point of view of Wisdom for a Life of Freedom. I’ll share a little of the dialogue leading up to my comments. This is Part One of a two part article. Part Two is here. There is also an article on The Shadow Side of Channelling here.

“I don’t really categorize information as “from channelled source” or “from a physical source”. I like to think of it as ideas that come fourth and create concepts which can be validated by experience.” (from the person I was in dialogue with)

The categorization comes not from me, but from those who define (categorize) themselves as “channellers”. They choose to approach the Path of Knowledge as “channels” who step aside and let one or more dis-incarnate entities speak (or write) through them. For me it is not so much a question of the “source” of the information I receive (be that a “channelled source” or from a “physical” human being, or even from my connection to nature). What I think is more important is the clarity of the source (for which discernment is required), and the ACT in and of itself. The ACT of channelling, and the ACT of seeking guidance from a person who channels. What does this ACT represent? From what state of mind and Being does such an ACT arise?

An important challenge for Man at this time—as I see it and from the perspective of a Path of Freedom (as I know and live it)—is that we no longer disassociate our attention and the resulting sense of Self from our Divinity, from our Divine Nature. We are Gods in the making, and many of us go to such great lengths pretending otherwise. There is nothing “wrong” with this per say—which you will know from reading my book have read my book, so I don’t need to explain that any further.

By channelling and forming an identity around the notion of channelling, and the idea that there is “me” and then there is this other (theoretically “wiser”) entity that I am allowing to speak through me, etc., I am putting forth the example of Man as something less than a Divine Being, and less than Free. At a subtle level it puts forth the idea of Man as being dependant on dis-incarnated souls as a source of Wisdom in order (theoretically) to be free. Yet, in my experience the subconscious receives far more through example than it does through words. What example does a channeller present to the subconscious of those paying attention to him/her? An example of Freedom? An example of our magnificence? Or something else?

The way I see it, channelling puts forth the example of Man as less than some other dis-incarnated entity, and (typically) the dis-incarnated entity as higher, more knowing, etc.. It also accentuates the notion that Man is not sufficient unto him/herself. Whether it is a power hungry “Guru” I turn to, or a dis-incarnated entity, if taken too seriously it disenfranchises the channeller (and potentially their audience) from our true status in the Cosmos as Man.

In my experience it gives a mixed message. Often the message that is being channelled (I have JK/Ramtha in mind, because you quoted her at the beginning of this discussion) is that “you are Divine, you create your own reality, etc., etc., etc.”, and yet here I am (the channeller) having to sit aside in a state of duality consciousness whilst some other entity uses my body to get this message through to you. Somewhat of a contradiction if you ask me.

The other issue I have seen with much of the channelling I’ve seen in the world, is that the very fact the channeller has to step out and let some other entity have its say in the world (because it knows more than I do) suggests that the channeller has not yet embraced and embodied their true and enlightened nature. There is nothing “wrong” with this, as such, yet I think the audience would be wise to keep this in mind. The reason I say this is because whatever comes through from the channelled entity WILL be re-qualified in one way or another by the “field” of the host (the channeller), and will be prone, therefore, to take on whatever distortions, limitations, etc., the host is still playing out. If the channeller is in such a deprived state that they need to strongly identify with channelling as their path and purpose in this world, we can be fairly safe in assuming that somewhere in their Field they have some seriously limiting factors and distorted ways of qualifying the Stream of Consciousness pouring forth from their I AM Presence. The information they bring forth is almost guaranteed (except perhaps in very rare cases) to be distorted by these limited factors in one way or another.

Man’s destiny is to awaken to his/her I AM Presence (one name for it), and to incarnate that into matter, as part of his/her role in the evolution of Awareness. If a bit of dabbling here or there in channelling somehow helps that process (even if just to make it apparent that these channelled entities actually don’t have anything particularly new or extraordinary to share, so stick to the Wisdom within your heart) then so be it. Yet this is typically not what goes on with people who create a public image and profession out of channelling, nor with the people who invest considerable amounts of time, energy, and (often) money, into listening to them.

Another issue I have personally with much of the channelled information out there is that I have rarely (if ever) heard anything channelled that isn’t already available to Man via the following means:

  1. Within his/her own heart,
  2. From his/her own I AM Presence (which in essence is another way of wording No. 1, above)
  3. Directly from nature, by opening our heart to That
  4. From incarnate souls (people, and the teachings of such people) who are here on the planet actively exploring a Path of Freedom, and
  5. From benevolent beings on other planes of perception Man can go into direct communication with, WITHOUT having to leave his/her body temple or allow some other entity to step into it

If I am going to devote my time and energy to a channel and the innately dis-empowered act of needing to channel or giving undue attention to channellers, I at least want something worthy of this time and energy in return. The fact is, I would much rather give my time and energy to people who are simply being themselves. People and forces in nature who are here representing their own Divine Presence, and are reflecting that very real possibility to those who give them their attention.

It is for these reasons, and many others, that I recommend those on a Path of Freedom be very mindful of how much ATTENTION they invest in channellers and channelled information. Of course, I make no fixed rule about this. It is up to the Warrior to face his/her life in the way he/she sees fit.

At some point, however, we must each elect to give our full and undivided attention to our own beloved I AM Presence, and to turn to That for the knowings and information we require from moment-to-moment. There is no place for channelling in that Divine Relationship. Either I merge my attentive-mind to the I AM or I do not. Whereas in channelling, my attentive mind checks out, whilst some other entity checks in for a while.

I am aware that what I have shared here may contradict the opinions of many people who consider themselves spiritual and consider channelling to be helpful to them. I am not putting that into question, nor do I wish to offend anyone. Of course, anyone completely secure in their hunger for channelled information (or the need to channel them selves) will not be offended by my comments. I wish for the above to be food for thought, for deeper consideration.

…. Later in response to another question I shared the following:

Please know I am not against channelling per say. I am simply FOR freedom and liberation. I AM for MAN (male / female) being true to his/her essential nature.

I also have nothing against people who enjoy participating in channelling as listeners or channellers. Some of the channels out there certainly do (in my opinion) share some interesting information. What concerns me is when people allow this activity and the information that comes forth to (usually at a subtle level, though in some ways quite overtly) perpetuate the inner experience of being less than Whole and Free. Sometimes the ways in which we perpetuate this illusion of limitation and scarcity are not so obvious to us. I have had to face and illuminate many such ways that in the (so-called) past I was oblivious to. It all comes down to our shadows and blind spots.

These blind spots are not imperfections or errors or signs of our Nature being less than Divine. They are simply our personality’s perspective on the fact that our Full, True, and Divine nature is still emerging into the world of matter, and thus into our Known.

From the perspective of our I AM Presence, we are whole and complete at all times, through time, and beyond time.

This discussion is continued in Perspectives on Channelling – Part Two


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