5 min read

Last Updated on December 11, 2011

The Wisdom Seekers is a name I have just this moment—whilst writing another article elsewhere on this site—decided to use when referring to a particular group of people I see living on the planet.

I’ll start where it counts by saying that ‘I Am a Wisdom Seeker’. I Am also living the Wisdom I have unveiled so far. That is what moves me to share the things I am sharing at this time. Previously I have a lot of knowledge and deep inner knowing. In my experience I found I ‘knew’ things that had certainly not come from what I had been exposed to by the society and family around me in this life. Yet I found I ‘knew’ of other realities—other ways of being and other ways of seeing the world—yet much of my day-to-day experience was still—as far as I could tell—subject to the same illusions as the people around me at an experiential level.

Therefore I found I have seldom been moved to share much of what I ‘knew’. Of course in the various connections I would make with people whilst travelling to many different countries I am aware that something was imparted from ‘me’ to ‘them’—people would even tell me this much to my surprise at the time. Actually it was only my ‘ego-mind’ that played the game of ‘being surprised’ for deep down I have always known I am here to share Love and Wisdom with the world yet whilst the ego-mind has had it’s way I’ve never felt ‘ready’ for that Role within the Dream. Of course ‘not feeling ready’ is all part of the illusion but having said that I am also aware that I have always ‘known’ that there was a timing to all that was unfolding which was not about ‘me’ and my apparently personal process and journey.

When I talk about ‘knowing’ I am referring to something I experience as a deep feeling that simply ‘knows’ what’s what. I don’t ‘see’ these things. Voices don’t ‘tell’ me things. I don’t experience visions or channel beings from another planet that somehow know more about life here on Earth than those actually living here. No, this has not been my experience. What I experience is simply a deep and loving sense of what is True. It is this deep feeling of what is true that I would say gave me the propensity to be what I am now calling a ‘Wisdom Seeker’.

I would say that you are also a Wisdom Seeker. I suspect you also have a knowing there within you. How that knowing ‘talks’ to you and your ego-mind I can’t say. Perhaps you’ll feel moved to tell me that some time? What I do know is that you wouldn’t be reading over this web site if you were not a Wisdom Seeker. You see I feel that there are many people born into the Dream who bring a certain degree of Knowledge with them. Knowledge becomes Wisdom when I start to live that knowledge. Wisdom could therefore we refereed to as ‘Living Knowledge’ or ‘continual Acknowledgement’. This is a word I tend to rewrite as ‘Act-knowledge-meant’. This means to Act on the Knowledge that is Meant by my experience of each moment.

So, in my world, Wisdom is about constant Act-knowledge-meant. It is about Living Knowledge. If I am born with knowledge that is from ‘outside the Dream I am born into’ then I will more than likely end up being a Wisdom Seeker—one who is seeking the way to Live the Knowledge I have been born with.

I actually suspect that many are us—perhaps all of us—are born with Knowledge that we carry into the Dream as opposed to the knowledge we pick up from within the Dream. What I suspect is that this knowledge is often quickly replaced by the knowledge of the world—the knowledge that is forced into us by the Dream and all the other Dreamers. If this is the case—and I am simply presenting an evolving hypothesis at this time—then I feel it is true to say that the Original Knowledge we are born into this world with is NEVER LOST. We might forget it so fully that we don’t feel its presence any more, but it must still be there. It is only a matter of our Dream getting shattered or shaken up enough for the Light of this Original Knowledge to start shining through into our experience and awareness.

Now, back on to the topic at hand.

A Wisdom Seeker is someone that has remembered or not forgotten the Original Knowledge they were born with. These people then end up seeking Truth in one way or another. I know that I sought the Truth because it is only the Truth that will set me free so that I can start to Live the Knowledge and step into the Wisdom That I AM. I suspect the same applies for you.

So, when I refer to ‘The Wisdom Seekers’ I am referring to those people that remember. I am talking about those people have a deep ‘knowing’ that is ‘not of this world’—namely it is not from within the Dream.

With love,

A Fellow Wisdom Seeker

PS. I have elaborated on this articles… Please read “The Vision Holders” for further discussion around the topic of this article….

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