4 min read

Last Updated on August 5, 2015

In my early teens when I started actively exploring various spiritual paths and texts I came across the idea of Karma. On one level it rang true for me, in that I could see how it was an accurate concept. Yet deep inside I also felt that it was being misinterpreted and portrayed.

In more recent years I started to see what this was all about—from within my experience. Many people who start exploring ‘spirituality’ come across ideas about reincarnation and karma. These ideas, from within the perspective of the Dream we are collectively creating, do have some basis of truth (little ‘t’ as in ‘truth’ within the dream/illusion).

From the perspective of the Dream, yes, we do reincarnate and experience many lives. From the perspective of the Dream, yes, we do experience what is referred to as ’cause and effect’ a.k.a. Karma. Also from this same perspective there is the implication that you and I are spread out across time and are creating situations (in the past) that come back to us as consequences in the future. What an ego trip that one is!! Yes, all that is seemingly true from within the dream that the egoic-mind has created.

Yet, it is complete nonsense from the Vision that God has of You and I and this World within our mind. What is referred to as ‘my Karma’ is ALL HERE NOW. It is being created and destroyed in a fraction of a second every moment. It is not some bad and heavy stuff I got up to in the past when I was the dastardly ‘King Agatha’ or ‘Lord Maldek of Darkness’ that is at this time, and in the future, coming back to haunt me. That is simply a story that persona is telling and projection and spreading out over this other projection it has, called ‘time’.

Karma is all here now. It is created and retributed in each and every moment. It is created each moment that I forget who and what “I AM”. The effect of this is instant. The effect is that I experience separation from that which I AM and that experience brings forth the illusion of pain and the illusion of being separate from God. It starts right now. It ends right now. It doesn’t even take that long.

I meet people (including myself ‘once upon a time’ – stuck within time) who get very caught up worrying about their karma, or justifying their present misery with their karma and this sense of “Oh well, this is just my karma from the past that I am now clearing up through these miseries”. This is simply victim consciousness spread out over time and involuted so that one is now victim of oneself.

The collective ego then has the arrogance to turn around and say “We are not victims. The bad things that happen to us are the result of our deeds in the past. These were our choices and now we experience the effect of those choices. Hence we are not victims. We are simply learning our lessons”. So here we are (some of us) turning what has to be one of the more insidious ‘victim’ trips (insidious because it comes in a nice spiritual package) into the explanation for why the whole victim mentality isn’t real.

Can you see how mixed up that is? Can you see how deeply controlling this is? How limiting? Karma, at the very most, can be equated to the decision I am making right here in this moment and the effect of that decision on what I perceive to be ‘me’ here within this fragment of the Dream. It’s all very instantaneous and right Here Now. So much so I am having trouble spreading it out across the space on this page—which takes ‘time’—in order to explain what I mean.

The main thing I wish to impress upon your beautiful heart is that You Are Free. You are only bound by karma if you in this moment maintain that you are. You will only maintain that you could possibly be bound up in Karma if you are seeing this world through guilty eyes—which is all human eyes for they are a product/projection of the ego, along with the rest of the body. The moment you step outside of Time and into the Vision of God then you will see that this great big guilt trip the ego appears to be caught up in was only that—an ‘appearance’ and nothing real.

May the truth set you free.

UPDATE (January 29th, 2010): I wrote the above blog entry back in May 2004. Please see my book Peace, Power, and Presence for a far more up-to-date exploration of what I now refer to as Wisdom for a Life of Freedom.

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