2 min read

Last Updated on December 11, 2011

From The Wilderness Publications Home Page

I am aware that few are aware of what is actually taking place within the world. Whilst it is all part of the global collective story / dream it is still, I think, important that we each become aware of the true extent and nature of the lie we are living in.

This website provides a lot of useful information in this regard. I suggest you take a look at it and read through the information presented there. There is a lot of info so take your time.

If you find yourself resisting the things that are presented to the point where you are sitting here thinking “Oh what… this is a load of shit… what’s all this about?” — or something to that effect — then you may have just found an element of your ego that has you locked into social constructs and beliefs. These social constructs are holding you in a state of sleep. If you wish to wake up then it is vital that you face these things and deal with them with an appropriate degree of Awareness, open-mindedness and self-honesty.

If you have any comments or question then please feel free to let me know.

Be well,

Jonathan Evatt

PS. Remember that everything you read on these sites I suggest is still all part of the dream. Much of this information is describing aspects of the human collective dream that most of us are completely ignorant of. Part of waking up is to first wake up to the nature of the dream, and to then wake up to Self beyond the dream.

Hence read through this information with that in mind. This is about re-educating yourself about the true nature of what we (humanity) are co-creating within the dream so that you can de-educate yourself of the lies that you’ve been programmed with — all with the purpose of keeping you completely asleep. Realise that this re-education process is only valuable to the extent that you use it to de-preprogramme yourself AND THEN let it all go as you re-educate yourself to the true nature of Man, Spirit, God and Creation.

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