2 min read

Last Updated on August 5, 2015

Note: This is an update to the article Spiritual apathy and fatalism located here.

Further to the other article written on Fatalism back in May 2002 I have the following to say.

As far as I can ascertain there is a high degree of predetermined “fate” in the dream that is playing out in our experience of ‘reality’. In fact I would say that as it has ALL already happened-because time as we experience it is simply a convenient projection of the ego-mind-then the whole dream is already mapped out and will unfold as it will. We don’t have any say on that-at least not from within the dream itself.

What we do have say on is the angle from which we choose to relate to this dream. We can either view it from within the limited perspectives available to us here within the dream, or we can choose to view it from the perspective that comes from the I AM which is outside this illusion of time and space. Essentially it is up to us, in a way that is hard to put into words but fully appreciated through direct experience, to manage our perception.

Those people who believe in fatalism might say, “Ah, but you only think you are making that choice when in fact that too is predetermined from outside of the self and your capacity to choose. You simply experience this as a choice when in fact there is no choice involved at all.” Perhaps such a person would be right. I don’t, however, get any real indication that this is the case-although I can see the validity in this argument.

Again I get to the point where I feel like the true nature of this topic goes beyond the scope of the ego-mind and hence can not be fathomed by the mind nor can it be understood and explained. So I shall leave it at that.

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