7 min read

Last Updated on January 20, 2020

This article is intended to provide further clarification and exploration of that which is explored in “The Illusion – A brief outline”.

Today it came to my attention that it may be necessary to elaborate on a few points pertaining to what I have outline in ‘The Illusion – A brief outline’ which were perhaps not covered fully enough (or at all) in that article. By referring to creation as I know it as ‘an illusion’ I am not denying it’s existence and hence taking this awareness on board should not result in an attempt within to deny the existence of life (in fact quite the opposite should result from understanding the nature of the illusion). By referring to the world and creation as I we know it as an illusion I am simply denying it’s existence in the way we perceive it to be. Put another way I am stating that reality does not exist in the way that we (the collective and singular human ego-mind) have believed.

To give an example: at a fairly tangible and relatively understandable level (for the collective ego-mind) it is not possible to be in a body in two places at one time yet for those who have mastered various spiritual disciplines this is entirely possible and does in fact take place.

Likewise with the world perceived by the human ego-mind it is not possible to teletransport ones body from one location to another yet from the ego-mind of a Shaman (for instance) it is entirely possible and does in fact take place.

So here we have two examples of ‘reality’ appearing to be one way for one group of people (most of the people alive today) with certain laws defining what is and isn’t possible, yet for another (small) group of people there are entirely different ‘laws’ that make all sorts of things possible that the bulk of the human collective would consider pure fantasy.

Now this is to me actually an example of the illusion taking on very different forms depending on the ego-mind through which it is projected. It does not illustrate the overall nature of the illusion. It illustrates that we can all have very different and even contradictory experiences of so-called ‘reality’. What you see around you does exist and it doesn’t. Now I know your mind is going to hate reading that but it is simply how it is. It does not exist in the way we perceive it to, yet it does have an existence in the Mind of God.

God created the I AM (or the “Son”, as used in Judaic-Christian terminology) in the likeness of Itself and as an extension of Itself. The I AM therefore had the power to Create like God yet could never create anything that makes God’s Creation obsolete of contradicts God. God created Light. That Light is what is beamed out through this metaphorical ‘film projector’ I have previously referred to. That Light does ‘exist’ and is ‘real’. Yet as the Light passes through the film of the ego-mind it is qualified in such a way that images appear on the wall (on the screen we experience as the human mind). The images themselves are not real. They do not exist. If you are seeing an image of a cat on the wall and you remove the film strip then there is no longer a cat. Yet there is still Light—now in it’s pure form—projecting out and we can be aware of that Light. It is this Light that is real, whereas the image we make it take on is not ‘real’. The image of Love is as close as we get to creating a real image through the ego-mind but it is still nothing relative to the Love of God that exists within us and is available to us through a direct experience of God.

Of course I am attempting to put into words that which is beyond words and it’s all ‘horses for courses’ at the end of the day.

I read over what I’ve written above, and feel that none of this really gets to the point. I can only apologise for my clumsiness at explaining these things. So what I would like to emphasise is that we are not here to deny what we see around us. Rather I wish to suggest that there may be a distinct benefit in ‘denying’ the way in which we are seeing reality and interpreting it. Denial ultimately has no purpose yet denial of the ‘right’ kind can assist you in unraveling your apparent entanglement in the illusion, or in the false interpretation of what you are experiencing.

I am not referring to a ‘rigid’ kind of denial that is possible for the mind to get into about things it doesn’t want to deal with. Rather I am talking about a ‘soft’, ‘kind’, and ‘open’ sort of denial. Let’s say you are looking at a dog and your friend says, “Hey, look at this lovely little kitty cat” (and he really sticks to the notion that its a cat). At some level you will gently deny that this is a cat, whilst still being loving toward what your friend is choosing to perceive. This is a very different experience from the sort of denial that might rigidly say, “I am perfect. I don’t have any harsh feelings of judgement, and I am only capable of love and goodness”. To this I would say that in fact your power to love and create is equal to, and in fact relies upon, your innate power to hate and destroy. I hope this makes sense.

I will say I found it rather tricky trying to put this into words because my own mind actually has no idea what I am referring to or talking about. It only has memories of it that come about through an experiential awareness of what I am referring to. It is the experiential part that is real. The explanation of it is unreal yet might perhaps allow you to release your tight grip on reality enough to allow some of what I have talked about into your experience also. I would like to say that this world you experience is Sacred Ground. The body-mind-emotions you experience are Sacred Ground and Sacred Space. For they are all imbibed by the Light of God through Your I AM Presence which is an extension of God.

I invite you to treat this illusion with the same degree of respect and gratitude you would bring to a that which is Sacred. And because that which is Sacred always has an element of the Unknown running through it then please also bring to your experience of this illusion a degree of awe, wonderment, and innocence that a child would bring to any of the great mysteries of life. This wonderment will help prevent you from experiencing rigidity and limitation in your Awareness. The Gratitude and respect will allow you open further to God’s Vision of You and this world.

All that you choose to experience, both in the form of 'light' and 'dark' has a purpose. It's just not the purpose most people ascribe to it. The One purpose of everything in your experience (judged by you as 'good', 'bad' or otherwise) is to return you back to yourself; your true nature; your liberation from false perception. Reject nothing. Love everything. Judge not. Love what is. Allow. Release.


UPDATE (January 29th, 2010): I wrote the above blog entry back in 2004. The above blog entry (from my old www.feal.org site) is a rather rambling article, and is not nearly as coherent and clear as my later writing. Please see my book Peace, Power, and Presence for a far more up-to-date exploration of what I now refer to as Wisdom for a Life of Freedom.


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