11 min read

Last Updated on January 20, 2020

In this past week various realisations have made their way into my awareness. I anticipate that there are many Wisdom Seekers out there that might find some of these things a little hard to fathom. Yet I also know that if certain Truths are being revealed the Dream within my experience then there must be others that are also seeing these things and there must be others that are ready to learn about them.

Seeing the depths

What I am seeing is just how deep and how extensive the Illusion is. What I am seeing is that most of what I can see in the world today in terms of the various ‘ways out of the illusion’ are in fact more of the illusion. They are not ‘ways out’ at all. They simply take people into another aspect of the Dream. Total awaking does not actually take place at all when these ‘ways out’ are followed. I can hear my mind thinking, ” These ‘paths’ may, however, help facilitate a certain ‘loosening up’ of the Dream”, and maybe this is so. Yet part of what I am seeing is about ‘control’. Just as there are many Programs of control at a worldly level I am now seeing—in a way that is much clearer and more extensive than ever before—that there are also Programs of control in the metaphysical and esoteric realms.

Faces of the ‘Spiritual’ Illusions

What I am referring to is all the spiritual paths, the practices, the Lamas, the Rinpoches, the Monks, the religions, the Sai Baba’s, the New Age beliefs, the Churches, the spiritual societies and so on and so forth—the list is rather huge. For a Wisdom Seeker these ‘things’ are commonly approached as ways out of the Dream. They are approached as ways to liberate oneself. They are approached as a source of Moksha and Enlightenment. They are approached as ‘the way out’ of the Illusion. What I am seeing and what I wish to share with you is that—as far as I can presently tell with the Knowing I have—99% of them simply represent another layer of the Illusion. The Wisdom Seeker who ‘succeeds’ on these paths may simply go from one more obvious layer of the Illusion into another more subtle and less obvious layer of the Illusion.

The Implications?

So what are the implications of what I am saying? None actually. For It all is as It is. It is (as always) about where we each decide to give our attention. Only the Truth shall set you free and the Truth can ONLY be found within yourself for in your world you are all that exists. There is no ‘other’. Most of the ‘icons’ the world of Wisdom Seekers hold so dear and perceives as being ‘spiritual’ and ‘paths out of the illusion’ are a pack of lies. Really. It’s as simple as that.

They are not ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’, nor are they ‘negative’. These ‘False Profits—per that’s what I will call them—are what they are and in my world I have created them in order to facilitate remembering something important about Truth.

You are all there Is, as God

If you are really really serious about setting yourself free then I must tell you that YOU are the Path, YOU are the way out, and YOU are your source of Enlightenment. Of course God is there to help as you go through with Changing the Dream and Stepping Out of the Illusion but that goes without saying because YOU and GOD are one and the same. That which I AM is GOD. That I AM exists only there within YOU in your Dream. If you see it existing within ‘the other’ people out there know that you are only seeing the reflection of the I AM within YOU. The Dream is made of Light and That Light is God, yet the images we ‘make’ with that light is not God. Not to suggest that there is something other than God in existence. No, rather, I am suggesting that the images we perceive don’t exist. The Light running through the projector exists but the image we create with that Light is a figment of the ego-minds’ delusion.

My Experience

Over the years I have come across various so called teachers, Gurus, Masters, enlightened people, Yogi’s, teachings etc. Within each of them I have experienced something very beautiful and something that I recognise as Truth. Yet I have also found that I experience this ‘knowing’ that they are not free and the ‘picture’ they are presenting to the world (and to themselves, of course) is not the ‘whole picture’. I have felt moved to take on certain ‘things’ from ‘their path’ yet there was much I would leave and I would never feel ‘moved’ from within to ‘follow them’ or subscribe to ‘their path’. The one instance we I did subscribe to one of these paths more than usual I found that this place of ‘knowing’ deep within my experience of myself would keep reminding me that ‘something isn’t right’—Jonathan, be-aware and see what you need to see. It took something like 7 years for me to see what I needed to see and then I walked away with love and gratitude for having had the experience that these two Yogi’s facilitated in my world.

The denial routine

The extent to which the ego-mind has had a grip on my experience of life and sense of Self is the extent to which I have not known just what to make of this ‘knowing’ that most of the ‘spiritual paths’ are as much about control as everything else. I have for many years played it down and not given it a great deal of attention. What I am being shown now is that there is a very sound reason for why I have never felt moved to subscribe to the ways of the many Gurus, teachers and paths out there in the world. At times I felt ‘guilt’ and judgment around this. The ego-mind would get into this line of thinking that revolved around the idea that I must somehow be ‘avoiding’ the Truth and Enlightenment that these paths and teachers etc represent. I entertained the idea that ‘I am simply not surrendering enough and this resistance I am feeling toward such and such is my ego’s resistance to waking up’. It took me many years to get over that and let that lie go. Quite to the contrary—my persona loved the idea of being able to ‘join with others’ who were somehow more enlightened than me, and to be part of the ‘club’ and know that ‘I belong to something spiritual now’.

User beware

All I really wish to say is, “User beware” (be-aware). If you are actively following a Guru or spiritual path I invite you to be-aware. Accept that you know nothing and that everything your perceive is not how it really is, and then take another look at this so called path or Guru. I will also say that in my experience NO ONE THAT HAS BROKEN FREE OF THE DREAM will seek to create FORM around their WISDOM within the Dream. What I mean by this is that when I am free of the Dream I am formless. That formlessness will then pervade everything I do and create within the Dream. So if you come across teachers and Gurus and spiritual paths (etc) that have a lot of FORM around them then again, USER BE-AWARE. By ‘form’ I don’t simply mean form in terms of books, web sites, companies, organisations etc. These are forms that are an innate part of the Dream. Just this article you are reading is FORM. What I am referring to they will not create FORM around their wisdom and who and what they are.

To some extent they may have to create form around how that wisdom is imparted within this world of form—that, I think, would be unavoidable—but the Wisdom itself and their role in imparting It will remain Formless. And I mean Formless on all levels. All this stuff that goes around about inner councils, Galactic Federations, the Inner Plane Mandalas of the Tibetan Tantric Buddhists, the Ascended Masters and the White Brotherhood, the spiritual hierarchies of the Inner Planes, etc. etc., is a projection from within the human ego-mind. It is a projection from within the Dream and is another means of control.

It brings the lesson of being ‘completely out of control’ and just what that means.

Ponder that for a while.

The Formless Teachers

The formless teacher wants no followers. She will always return the student to himself. The formless teachers do not seek recognition. The formless teachers will not make claims about who or what they are without also making that exact same claim for the student. The formless teachers will not polarise themselves with the Illusion. The formless teachers will not present themselves as ‘something special’ above and beyond anyone and anything else in this world of Form. The formless teachers will love and share that love. The formless teachers will not set themselves apart from the Illusion, humanity and everything else within the Illusion. They will not set them selves up as ‘something conclusive’ and exclusive.

They will relate to you as them self. They will treat you as them self. They will relate to you as God. The formless teachers will NOT be on some kind of ‘mission to save the world’ or to ‘alleviate the suffering of the world’, because these teachers will see right through that illusion. The formless teachers will not do fancy psychic tricks to gain your attention and they will not make attempts to appeal to your ego-mind. The formless teachers will love so deeply and profoundly that you will quite likely fall in love with them, yet they will ALWAYS return you to loving the I AM within you for that is all there is to Love in your Dream. The formless teachers will not play out some trip to do with reincarnating to ‘compassionately solve the worlds problems’. The formless teachers will not go out there (where?) and do battle with the Dark forces, for they will see right through that illusion.

The formless teacher is like the wind. It breezes by, imparts its silent message and moves on. I don’t wish to name names*. I don’t wish to make anything wrong for IT IS ALL PERFECT. I don’t wish to say that any particular path or person is leading people astray. No one can be lead astray. There are no victims. We are all collectively creating this Dream and hence in your world your create the roles that these teachers of FORM play out. They are there to teach us about our formless Wisdom. Timeless Wisdom. Non-exclusive Wisdom.

All I wish to relay at this time is the simply message ”’User beware / be-aware”. There is nothing ‘out there in the world’ that will give you your salvation. It is all deep within your formless Self, that which I AM deep within your so called Heart.

It’s deep within the Heart

Stay with that which is only felt deep within your heart. Oh yes, I know how troublesome that can be. I know how difficult that can be. I know how strong that urge to reach ‘out there’ for answers and salvation can be. Oh yes I know all too well. You and I are not unique in how we experience the pull of the Illusion that I AM somehow less than Perfect. We all go through it. I still watch it playing out within my Dream, just as I am sure you watch it playing out within your Dream. Less and less does it amount to me denying the Truth within my Heart and therefore I know that less and less will it result in your denying the Truth within your Heart. I love you and wish you well as you too discover just how deep the illusion runs—and the Truth that HAS set you free.


*Okay, I have in fact named one name in this article. I won’t edit this out. It’s okay. Again, the role he is playing is perfect and it is providing an invaluable lesson to those that follow him and believe in his as the source of their salvation. Again, I simply say “be-aware” and let go of that which you are ready to release. Be willing to see that ‘it is not how it appears’. Be willing to turn to the Light of God within your own Being for that is the only access point you have to that Light. It does not exist out there in your Dream within the figments of your imagination (these Guru’s and teachers etc). In your Dream it does NOT exist within me either. Everything you experience ‘out there’ in your world is a projection. It is all playing out within your Mind. So turn within to God not ‘outward’ to God in some path or teaching.


UPDATE (January 29th, 2010): I wrote the above blog entry back in early 2004. Please see my book Peace, Power, and Presence for a far more up-to-date exploration of what I now refer to as Wisdom for a Life of Freedom. The above is somewhat rambling in nature. May I be excused for that, if it bothers you.

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