5 min read

Last Updated on August 5, 2015

I will touch this topic a number I times I am sure. I’ve been meaning to go into it for some time now.

The other day this topic came up in a discussion with a friend and this has spurred me on to write.

You are the Path

This is something that I have remembered and re-cognised in recent years. I know that for me it had quite powerful implication’s. Implication that spurred me on into deeper challenges that I was, however, able to face with greater strength and trust. Trust in the perfection of all that is unfolding in my world. I’ve come across many spiritual teachings. I am aware of many different religions and philosophies. I am also aware of many so-called “New Age” ideas that are now moving through the collective psyche. One thing — among many — that I have noticed is that often (although not always) the “Path” is portrayed as something “Out there”. Something that is somehow separate from the person walking it. This portrayal of separation comes through in various ways, which I shan’t bother to elaborate on — better you notice them yourself. What I will elaborate on is what I have realised myself.

The path that we each tread — whatever that path may be or entail — is in fact ones self. The path to Enlightenment, for instance, is not separate from the person walking it. In my experience it IS the the one walking it. One of the implications of this is that every single detail of who and what you are and how you are is all a vital and intrinsic part of your path to Enlightenment. Your nature, on all levels — those you are conscious of and those you are yet to be conscious of — is the very foundation of your Enlightenment. If or when you really get a feeling for what I am saying here, and if it at some point rings true to you, I suspect you will find that somewhere inside you’ll have a big sigh of relief.

Relief from what? Relief from the illusion that you are somehow imperfect, faulty, a mess, in need of fixing, loaded up with heavy Karma, or whatever else you’ve taken on board in order to justify feeling cut off from Source. Relief from trying to fight with your story. Relief from struggling against yourself in order to get somewhere and become something other than what you are right here and now. Now this is not to say that if you’re a real angry bastard much of the time that you won’t have to move on from being that way. It’s not to say that your being aggressive is something you’ll hang on to because it’s part of how you are. Rather, what I am suggesting is that there is no need to fight and judge that anger. Fighting it and judging it is like trying to burn chapters of a book that you don’t like.

These chapters — out of your life story — are there to be read. They can be read with the same level of acceptance through which you read all the “nice” chapters in the book. It all is, after all, just a story — good, bad, sad, angry, or otherwise. That anger — for example — is a force that when approached with Awareness will open up doors into long forgotten places within your Being. Like rooms in a house where they lights are turned off and the doors are no longer noticed. As you go around your house turning your lights on — so that one day the house is fully en-lightened — you will eventually have to find and go into those forgotten rooms.

This anger — or any other thing about you that you might judge and battle with and try to disown — is what will lead you into particular rooms. Once in that room you might find there are some old family (ancestral) heirlooms or childhood collections of “Stuff” that you had long since forgotten about. It might be stuff you’d rather not look at, but again, with the deep knowing that it’s all CREATED BY YOU AND FOR YOU and that whatever is in this else is ALL there for your return to Love and Truth, you will find you can face that stuff, see it for what it is and then deal with it in an appropriate fashion. Be open and loving with yourself about all the “imperfections” you perceive in yourself.

Realise that none of it is personal, unless you take it personally. Yet, having said that, I will add that ALL of it is your responsibility — meaning it is all there to engage YOUR ABILITY-TO-RESPOND. They way in which you respond will determine your experience and what results from facing these shadows. Remember, you are your own path. Whatever religion you might subscribe to — or whatever beliefs you might choose to follow — if they are taking you “out there” in order to find and follow your “path” then I will simply say that this is just a way to take time over what IS right NOW.

With heart,


PS. There is much more I could write on this but that’s all I feel to put into words for now. If you have any particular questions just ask them using the Comments feature.

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