3 min read

Last Updated on January 20, 2020

I want to make it quite clear that Jonathan is in his own dream. So long as he is appearing in your world and is experiencing the world then he is in a Dream of one sort of another.

We are but dreamers of a dream. Were I to dream one night that I am a butterfly — upon awakening in the morning I would be lying there in my bed. Who’s to say whether I am in fact now a butterfly dreaming that I am a human lying there in bed, or whether I am a human that’s just woken up from dreaming I was a butterfly?

I don’t want you to take anything I say as Truth. I encourage you NOT to believe anything you read on this site. The Kahuna have a saying with I feel is quite true—”Belief is only necessary for that which is not real”.

Truth is experienced ONLY at the level of re-cognition. It does not happen through beliefs. In fact beliefs are ONLY REQUIRED FOR THAT WHICH IS NOT REAL. We can of course construct beliefs around what we recognise yet I suspect that through doing that we end up one (or more) steps removed from the Truth. That is what happens in most religions in this world. Someone re-cognises the Truth. Then they or other people (more likely the case) set up believes around that re-cognition of Truth. From there people join the religion because it unconsciously reminds them of what they too recognise as Truth but now through their association with the religion they, like all the other followers of religious beliefs, become one of more steps removed from the Truth they were seeking. The religion becomes a substitute for the Truth. Substitutes will NOT set you free.

Back to the topic at hand…

I feel moved to share what I comes into my awareness and the things that I know. I am aware that nothing I say, express and share is unique. It has all been said before. There is nothing that can be revealed to me that has not been revealed to those before me and those after me. There is nothing that I recognise and express which you are not also able to recognise and express. If fact—without wishing to twist your mind in on itself—I can say that in your world I am simply You recognising and expressing that which I AM aware of.

Know also that there are many different ways to express the things I am feeling moved to share. I have seem them expressed in ways far more poetic and elegant that I even seem to manage achieve. Yet as I am not trying to achieve anything in particular I feel complete okay with that and I trust that what I am feeling move to Be and the way I am being That is all part of the Perfection in my world and in yours.

What I know is the Truth for Jonathan in THAT moment.

It may not be the Truth for you.

Stay with what you recognise—at a level of FEELING; not in the mind—and this web site will have served its purpose. You may leave taking nothing with you and that is quite okay.

The Dream I experience may be quite different from the Dream you experience. I get the impression that the Dream I am creating seems to have some script written into it that says “Hey, look, there is the nature of the Dream and over there is the doorway out”. I am gently moving my way toward that doorway.

By sharing my Dream with you perhaps that little script of possible escape will end up being transcribed into your Dream? Or perhaps that script is also written into your dream yet it might have become obscured? Perhaps my sharing that part of my Dream will help bring that same part of your Dream to the forefront of your Awareness through the re-cognition that takes place within you as you read these words?

If not, then so be it. If so, then glory glory hallelujah.


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