9 min read

Last Updated on February 8, 2020

The apparent good health or ill health that anyone with their eyes open is able to witness in most of the modernised world today is the result of choice and free will.

I get the distinct impression—and you are welcome to correct me if you think me wrong—that the majority of people within the cultural society I live within have little or no idea that their day-to-day choices are bringing about much—if not all—of the ill health and degeneration that appears to be the result of aging. I get the impression that the majority of people consciously or subconsciously believe that the sicknesses they experience are something they simply fall victim to as a matter of course. It’s just a “fact of life” that so many people now mindlessly use and rely on drugs for their health—often starting from early childhood, even from birth in the case of the toxic vaccines most babies are blasted with in the first days and months of their life. Are we so bloody stupid? So mindless? So fool hardy as to not realise what is going on? No. Not really. Just deeply ignorant and sound asleep. It seems the humanity I am familiar with has got it all back-to-front. So many people so readily question themselves and that which arises from their interiority—often questioning (and doubting) it to the point where their inner know and guidance dies completely—and yet these same people so naturally assume that the things arising in their exteriority (the world at large) are “True”, “factual” and legitimate with little or any questioning. Really—for anyone on the Path of Power—this insane habit must be diligently reversed. It is far more conducive to ones empowerment to assume that what comes from deep within is accurate and “real” for you, and to assume NOTHING about what is arising in your outer world—nothing except perhaps the assumption that whatever presents itself must be questioned rather than taken at face value. What do I mean by this?

  • “Nearly everyone uses cell phones or is happy to” — therefore they must be okay for me and have no significantly detrimental effect on the user.
  • “Millions of people all over the world drink chlorinated and fluoridated tap water. We’ve been doing it for years” — therefore it must be okay and will cause me no significant harm.
  • “Microwave oceans are commonplace since the 1980’s when they hit the American market. Most people use them” — They must be perfectly okay and the food cooked in them must be just a hot version of the cold food that went in their.
  • “Most people appear to get sick once or more times a year” — This is perfectly normal, the way life is, and quite natural for me too
  • “The world around me, as seen through my five senses, seems so solid and tangible. Most people see it as the basis of what is real” — Therefore I must be looking at the true nature of the world
  • “Electromagnetic fields are everywhere these days. The governments and related organisations say they’re okay” — They must be okay
  • “Most children watch Television and kid’s videos these days, and it’s the best way I know of keeping them quiet for a few hours at a time” — It must be of no harm or significance to them
  • “Nearly every item of food in the supermarket is made from chemically grown, refined, processed, chemically stabilised, chemically preserved (etc) ingredients. Most people seem to eat it, except for the health freaks” — There’s nothing harmful about such food, it’s the best thing for me to eat so long as I don’t eat just the real junky stuff all the time.
  • “Mass vaccination programs are advertised every year on the TV and media. Most people seem to get them and they’re all okay” — It must be quite okay for me to

… and the list goes on. We could create a list here that would fill an entire encyclopaedia set or more. Why is that? Well, because of what I just mentioned: The ego has got us all operating in an in-side-out way. We go about things all back-to-front. We habitually question and doubt that the messages and promptings we get from spirit inwardly are valid, and eventually assume they’re invalid—so habitually that most people beyond early childhood don’t even know they get such messages every moment of the day and night—and we mindlessly accept 99% of what is presented to us by the external world as “real” and “okay”.

The few things that I do perhaps stop to question, like “whether my country should be bombing another country in the Middle East because my President says they have some sort of link to a recent terrorist attack is right or wrong”, keep most us feeling like we’ve really got our finger on the pulse and “doing my bit to keep reality in check”. Yet even in this example… I’ve assumed there was a terrorist attack, I’ve assumed my country was an “innocent victim” in this, I’ve assumed that my government played no part in this so-called attack, I’ve assumed that what I’ve seen on TV and in the media about it is factual and accurate, I’ve assumed that my beloved Government is acting in the best interests of the people it is meant to be serving; I’ve assumed it even is serving those people; I’ve assumed that the bombing these innocent people in Iraq is fair and just retribution for what some unnamed, unidentified, unconfirmed “terrorist” did to my country”… yuk. Here’s another one of those lists that could go on forever. Yet millions upon millions of people in America readily made all these assumptions without giving the real issue at hand one moment of their sleepy attention. The result is massive destruction of live. The result is vast amounts of the nation’s hard earned money (stolen by the government in the form of taxes) being spent on destruction rather than more important things like health and internal social restructuring. The result is more mass hypnosis and millions of people blinding walking toward yet another proverbial cliff top. Lemmings, by the way (based on what I’ve read about them), do not mindlessly jump of cliffs as a form of population control. They’re not that stupid. It’s an contemporary myth.

Humans, however, quite readily follow each other over proverbial cliffs. We’ve projected this insanity onto some innocent creature that was just happily going about it’s business in the world. I must ask you to understand that there is nothing “wrong” with this back-to-front way of living. So long as you, or I, or anyone is choosing to exist this way then it is a valid part of the grand dance of life. Nor is it “right” and “better” to cease this madness and start living another way. It’s not about right or wrong, and if you’ve already started feeling like it is then I invite and encourage you take a good look at how the ego has just thrown you into separation and some kind of guilt trip. Rather it is about “I make a choice. What is the outcome of that choice conducive toward?” It’s as simply as that.

I suspect you will find that the majority of the people in this world are—for the most part and in ways that are most significant—consistently and almost constantly making choices that have life-taking, power-reducing, life-destroying consequences. The global and collective effect of this is what? An hour or two of unbiased, open minded research in the library or on the internet will quickly show you that. We have, essentially, destroyed perhaps more than half of the life on this planet.

Oh, I know it doesn’t look that way—“you and I are quite okay, right?”—but start looking at the figures and statistics. In the last couple of thousands years (particularly the last couple of hundred) how much of the planet’s surface have we cleared of its natural flora and fauna? What percentage of species of animal and creature have we wiped out or nearly wiped out? What percentage of the world’s commercially valued fish has we whipped out? What percentage of the ocean have we explored and studied (about 3%) and yet how much of that ocean now contains our poisons, hormones, drugs, and chemicals, and what effect has that had on life in the ocean? How much of the human cultural heritage in the world have we (primarily Anglo Saxon white man) systematically destroyed and wiped off the face of the Earth? How many days have we had in the last few thousands years where NO wars were being fought anywhere in the world (close to zero)? Here I go with another one of these lists !! I am sure you are starting to get the idea, so I shall say no more.

The picture I’ve just painted might sound rather grim. It is. From a relative human perspective, based on what we as humans claim to value and stand for, it’s about as grim as it could get. I’m just telling it like it is. If that seems ghastly then perhaps it’s time to ask yourself why you’d not already noticed just how grim it is? Knowing how prone the ego is to putting things into a right-wrong sort of perspective, I shall again remind you that this is not about that madness. It is simply about choice and consequence. I’m aware that I’ve unknowingly chosen to diverge off the topic of “The Health Factor” somewhat. The consequence is neither “good” nor “bad”. It is simply that I’ve just spent quite a bit of your time and mine time exploring elements of the collective human story at a planetary level, and ceased talking about health. I now choose to get back to the topic at hand.

As mentioned already, most of the ill health and disease that you see in the world around you is the result of choice. Day-to-day, here in the world, normal kind of human choice. If we were to get metaphysical with this I could accurately say that ALL of it is the result of choice on some level, but for now I am simply referring to basic human choices here in the basic physical world. The ego might be quite offended by what I’ve just suggested. It might try to coerce you into relating to this in a back-to-front way again. If we put that predictable reaction aside, however, I find—and you might also find—the the real implications of what I’ve stated here are in fact extraordinary and potentially really empowering.

If the ill health I experience is the consequence of my day-to-day choices then that means I’m no longer a poor victim. That means that there is something very real and very tangible that I can personally do which will change my circumstances into something I consider to be “better”—into something that is more conducive to me living a strong, inspired, dynamic, and power-filled life. “Fan-bloody-tastic mate, that makes my day”

It is not my intention with this article to start spelling out just what these habitual choices and assumptions are, and what to change them to. That, my friend, is you job. Elsewhere, however, I’m sure to explore this with you.

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