2 min read

Last Updated on August 16, 2015

The modern rational mind moves very fast, on one level. And yet is incredibly slow on another. It depends heavily on filters and neuro-perceptual gates to limit and govern the vast array of information pouring in through our senses and psychic doorways. In this way the rational mind slows the world down to a near standstill, just so it can get a mentalised grip on what’s going on. Although, not really the full extent of what’s going on, but just a rendered down version of reality it has learnt through conditioning to feel accustomed to and comfortable with.

The Living Mother is beyond time, and yet when She emerges into the phenomenal world and, thus, into Man’s perception, She is so extraordinarily fast. The illusion, constructed by the rational thinking mind, is that life on Earth moves too slowly for us to notice the dynamism of what’s going on. In reality there is so much going on, at such an incredible and ineffable pace, it simply boggles the mind—at least, if not for the aforementioned filters and neurological gateway systems.

It is the only Heart of Man that can handle the huge amount of information (literally, in-form-ation) arising from the Mother. Far more than the rational mind ever can. When we open the eyes of the Heart, our perception can take in a lot more information. This is why the Heart is unquantifiably more intelligent than the rational mind. It’s also why the actions and inventions of Man become so Life-degrading when we rely too heavily on the thinking mind, and walk this Earth with a closed Heart.

In this time-lapse photography video it might at first seem the world is being sped up so that our fast mind can see just how dynamic and alive the Living Earth really is. What’s actually happening is more information is being cramped into less experiential time, so that our slow tedious seconds come alive with hours of the Mother’s grandeur. In effect, time-lapse photography sort of gets around our filters and perceptual gating systems.

Sit back, turn up your speakers, hit the full-screen button, and enjoy. Cry if you must. When done, play it again. I know you’ll want to.

[youtube id=”Rk6_hdRtJOE” align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”1000″ parameters=”?modestbranding=1 controls=2 showinfo=0″]

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