4 min read

Last Updated on August 5, 2015

There is something about the human ego-mind that detests chaos and change on level at which most people relate to their lives. The paradox is that it’s the human ego-mind that consistently creates perceived outer chaos in the world—be that your personal world or the collective world.

In today’s society we have a vast array of mechanisms in place to try and avoid chaos. Everything from keys and locks, insurance, prisons, pharmaceutical drugs, much of our medical system, television, much of the rubbish in the media, billions of laws worldwide, armies and police forces… oh really… the list would in fact be almost endless. The key here is that most people recoil from what they perceive to be chaos, forever clinging to a safe version of reality that they think will best enable them to survive. The problem—if I can call it that—is that we are not here to survive. Ego-survival means nothing to the Soul and for all intents and purposes is more akin to being dead.

I have, however, found that a person’s capacity and willingness to embrace apparent chaos is a major deciding factor in how fully they experience the flow of life and the infinite support that Life extends into their world—were they simply willing to experience and accept it. Chaos brings with it the unknown. The ego-mind gets rather fixated on the “known”. Once it has locked onto something that appears to be “permanent” it then creates wondrous, elaborate, and entirely fictional stories about this object of its attention. These stories serve one purpose only. The purpose is to perpetuate the illusion of separation. Really the ego itself has not other purpose but this. There is, of course, no separation. Therefore this entire dance of madness takes place in the mind—the mind of He or She who perceives there to be separation and true purpose is the insanity of the ego.

Religion is also an attempt at avoiding apparent chaos. Religion organises the unknown and the ineffable into something structure, definitive, and relatively safe for the ego. Religion is man’s attempt at defining and making known that which is essentially undefinable and unknowable. Don’t get me wrong—just because something is unknowable does not mean that is can not be experienced, embraced, and ultimately embodied.

“Living on the edge” is about living on that fine line between the known and the unknown—between chaos and order. Another paradox is that living on the edge is not about living on the periphery. Rather it is about residing in the core or the centre. For this is where our connection to the Void or Vacuity resides, and it is from here that the known (and order) extends out from the unknown (and chaos).

The greatest of blessings come to us through madness, when it is sent as a gift of the gods. Heaven-sent madness is superior to man-made sanity. — Plato, in the Phaedrus

For a person who wishes to to wake up from the Dream and reconcile with the Dreamer it is vital that she start to embrace and even seek out change and chaos. I am not suggesting you do this in a foolish and fickle way, and abandon all sense of order in your life. No, that may have some interesting consequences, yet also likely are consequences that your current dream configuration is not set up to handle in a way that is conducive to balanced and useful progress. So rather than encouraging complete and free abandon of the structures that hold your world in place, I am simply bringing to your attention that chaos and change should not be automatically and mindlessly avoided when they natural arise and impinge upon your perception.

Chaos, in small but consistent doses, is like medicine to a mind that has become hypnotised by mass consciousness (mass-consensus) to the point of paralysis, as is so common in the world today. Chaos in a large dose can be like an overdose of medicine, resulting in damage to the organism that is made to endure it. Moderation and consistency. Being open to change is the main thing to keep in mind. Realise that if you currently live in a limited reality that is based primarily (or even totally) on the misconceptions of the ego-mind, and you wish to wake up to That which is beyond this limited reality, then a lot of change is going to have to take place. That change will ultimately be shaped, guided and instigated by God or Infinity through Grace and through the movement of Intent through your mind—therefore you don’t have to worry about “how to change”. The key is to be forever open and ready to change, despite what your ego-mind might have to say about such changes as the first indications of their manifestation in your world start to appear.

That is all for now.

With love…


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