7 min read

Last Updated on August 5, 2015

I know how easy it is to feel like there is really very little we can each do to improve the world.
The human situation has degenerated to such a profoundly life-taking level in so many regards — most of which most people are quite unaware of — and there appears to be so little power in the hands of each individual. We life in a world that — in the eyes of those attempting to control and dominate human kind — is here to be owned and utilised as a resource for the benefit of the few in the name of the many. Owning the world, by the way, is exactly what these corporations — and the people behind them — are progressively moving towards. It’s in the motion right now. It’s unfolded right before our closed eyes.

Yet, I ask, in the larger scheme of things, what is it in the human psyche that would create a story such as this? The thought that comes to be immediately is that “we” have collectively disowned the world, disowned our bodies (an extension of the world) and even disowned our Soul and Spirit. Most of the people I meet have very little connection to the Earth, to their body, and to their Soul. I know my connection to the Earth is nothing in comparison to what’s possible. Sometimes I feel the pain of that disconnection. I know there was a time when I was also disconnected from aspects of my body. That too caused me great pain and anguish at times. And God knows how disconnected from my Spirit / Soul I have felt over the millions of years that I’ve potentially been inhabiting this world. God knows all too well just how much anguish that has brought about within my heart and mind and body. God knows how I’ve cried, shouted, ranted, raved, avoided, killed, destroyed, fucked, hated, loved, controlled, reneged control, sought power, given away power, feared, courageously fought, died, murdered, and given life. Such is the kaleidoscope of life in the human Dream. Such is life in-deed.

Yet I know, through and through, that the pain felt through this perceived (yet seemingly so real) separation is what has spurred me on to seek out the truth. To ascertain what is “real” and what is not. To walk that truth. To share it in the best way I know how in any given moment and to seek it in those around me and also within me.

I’ve diverged from the topic at hand yet I know it was a worthy tangent to take. The topic at hand is my question — What is it in the human psyche that would create a story such as this? A story of the planet being owned and controlled by a few souls playing out the role they play. As a collective we have disowned the Earth. We have disowned the body. We have, for the most part, disowned the Spirit. Perhaps I should elaborate on a few points. What does it mean to have disowned the body?

How many people put their health — “wholeness of body, mind and spirit” as defined in the dictionary — into the hands of a medical system that is driven entirely by the dollar? How many people put the wellness of their teeth into the hands of dentists who know little or nothing about what truly causes tooth decay and weak enamel? How many people every day eat food that does little or nothing for their well-being? Food that is eaten purely to satisfying a learnt and habitual pattern of craving and aversion with regards to taste (craving), blocking out emotions (aversion), and treat animals as abused slaves in order to satisfy their hunger for flesh? How many people drink alcohol (a toxin) on a regular basis? How many people smoke cigarettes and take pharmaceutical and recreational drugs (both toxins)? The list goes on. This is what I mean about disowning the body.

The title of this article is “Changing the world one moment at a time…”.
I shall return to addressing that topic.
What I am attempting to point out is that it is the consciousness or the INTENTION of each individual that is defining the nature of the collective dream or world experience. Hence as much as it may seem that there is nothing we can each do to change that world experience the opposite is in fact true. We are the dreamers of the dream. We co-create and control it all anyway. Our current state of mind / heart / intention is what’s creating a mad-house. Hence as each of as — that’s YOU, me, and everyone else — changes our own state of mind, then the collective picture will change. There is no war to be fought “out there”. The only battle is within the human mind and heart. We each fight that battle whether we know it or not, and like it or not.

So — how to change the world one moment at a time?
Judgement. Be vigilant about getting to the crux of all judgement you carry around inside you.
Ultimately judgement is ANY thought that I hold onto and maintain about something with energy (emotion) behind it. More tangibly — for the uninitiated — it’s easier to refer to judgement as any life-taking thoughts I hold about someone or something. These judgements play out in every moment. This is part of the HERE-NOW factor of ones Karma. Karma is not some “thing” that I did in the past which I am being punished or awarded for here in the relative future. No. Karma is right HERE-NOW. It is the immediate result of my current disposition toward life. It is the immediate result of the choices I am making in every HERE-NOW moment. I’ll go more into that some other time. In fact I talk a on it a little in this article from may – CLICK HERE.

So “judgement” — where were we going with that?
I invite you to realise that it is your judgements that are playing a significant role in the world you see and experience around you. It also your judgements toward the people and events around you that give a clear — albeit indirect at times — indication of what it is about YOURSELF and your own humanity that you are yet to forgive. (I’ll write more on that soon and when I do it will be located RIGHT HERE)

So, if you really wish to start blessing, loving, and transforming the world… start with turning all your judgements around. Bring them all back to yourself and dance your way through the story that is behind each one and then forgive and let it dissolve. As the harsh wall of judgement around your heart and mind starts to dissolve I can tell you with certainty that more and more love will flow through your body, mind, and heart. That love is what will transform the world. That love is the most powerful thing in the universe.

Now, please bare in mind that there will still be moment where you struggle. There will still be situations that leave you feeling gutted, defensive or powerless. There will still be things and people to which you will react. That’s all just fine. Try not to judge that about yourself. Breath. Breath some more. And do whatever you can to remind yourself that “I Am infinite Being. This is happening FOR me and not to me. I will move through this for I reside beyond the beyond. I am here having an experiencing perfect for my needs right here and now. I am love,,, whether I can feel it or not, and this too will come to pass”. Then when it does come to pass — and it surely will — take time to lovingly reflect back on what you just went through and discover how and why you apparently lost energy or your centre within that particular experience. Hold no judgement toward yourself or others in regards to that situation. If judgement is already there then certainly do not judge yourself for judging. What a blooding confusing mess that will be. Come back to your breath. Smile. Ask God / Spirit / Truth / Christ / Rumplestiltskin / Mickey Mouse — or whatever else works for you — to elevate your heart and mind to a place of truth that you might see what it is you have come to see in this situation.

That’s it for now.

With heart,


PS. Rumplestiltskin and Mickey Mouse just might not cut it when it comes to elevating your vision of the world — so take whatever humour you can find in that, and use something a little more omnipotent to call upon !!

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