3 min read

Last Updated on February 8, 2020

I would like to share with you some of the insights I have experienced over the years with regards to aspects of the collective Dream (i.e. life on Earth and human history) that many find less acceptable that perhaps some of the other things I have detailed on this site. I am going to try to put all this together in a way that is relatively easy to follow, although not as concisely as I perhaps could. I’ll primarily make a few notes of various bits of information that you are free to piece together as you like.

1. Whilst in the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid of Egypt my companions and I got the distinct impression that the pyramids were used as a device for “beaming” into/onto the Earth plane (3D Earth Reality) from a location somewhere in the constellation of Orion.

2. We were under the impression that these beings may have come first through Venus in our Solar System… and then made their way onto Earth.

3. We felt that this occurred approximately about 16,000 to 17,000 years ago.

4. The pyramids were not built by the Egyptians a few thousand years ago as suggested by the prevailing scientific thought on this matter.

5. The beings that manifested onto the Earth through the pyramid(s) were considered to be “Gods” by the local people, who were relatively privative at the time. These “Gods” implanted certain world views and perspectives (intergalactic propaganda if you like) into the local people in the form of a new religion.

6. These Beings proceeded to do experiments on altering human DNA in order to create physical humanoid bodies that had the genetic capacity to “hold” or incarnate (bring into the flesh) this other worldly consciousness. One thing determined by DNA is the “quality” or “type” of consciousness that is able to incarnate into the life-form in question.

7. More recent Egyptian people / priests (a few thousand years ago)—the “ancient” Egypt that we relate to in conventional history—remembered the “myths”/history of these Gods arriving on Earth via the pyramids. They invested considerable energy and time into trying to return to Orion by this same means—only in reverse.

8. Technology such as dark room retreats, combined with the use of Pomegranate seeds (a source of the MAOIs harmine and harmaline), harmonic resonance and toning, etc., were employed in this process. The combined effect of these things (practices / rituals) was the sustained release of DMT within the brain—inducing an entheogenic altered state of consciousness—whilst also resonating the body to the frequency A440/A438, that of Love, the heart, rose essence, etc.

These priest may have been the bloodline descendants of the alien beings (Gods) that came to earth all those millennia prior to this). More recently it has come to my attention that the KGB did considerable research into paranormal phenomena (something I’ve know about for years) and that they found a tomb in Egypt of great significance. In this tomb was a sarcophagus with the remains of a partially mumyfied body.

The body, when digitally reconstructed, was humanoid in nature but not human. It was distinctly alien.


Alien Head Reconstruction 1

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