
Is your “private life” being monitored? Absolutely!

It’s not just Governments monitoring everything you do online and with your smartphone. Absolutely…

The Ineffable Immensity of LIFE

We are but actors—personas—on the stage known as Earth. It all seems so big, and all…

YURUGU – An African centered critique of European Cultural thought and behavior

How has the indigenous Earthling in you been indoctrinated by the culture narratives and paradigms…

The Pale Blue Dot

The Pale Blue Dot

The Pale Blue Dot… Our Great Mother Earth… Question is… will you leave this cosmic “dot” in a…

Dr John Coleman on the New World order

Here's a video of Dr. John Coleman talking at a Wake Up America event in the US of A. I'd not heard of Dr. Coleman (although I have heard of his book The Committee of 300,...

The Bitter Truth – Is sugar a poison?

My mother, in her great wisdom, was not fond of my brothers and I eating sugar. Relative to most of my childhood friends I was on a low sugar and low salt diet. Over a number of...