huna wisdom

Huna Wisdom – Responsibility

"The one with the consequence is the one with the responsibility. The one with the responsibility is the one with the authority." Shared by Lono Ho`ala... see his website at What is to be understood by this is that if the outcome of something (an...

Huna Wisdom – People’s decisions and commitment to people

"You can count on people to make decisions based on what they consider to be in their best interest. These decisions are based on their perceptions. And these perceptions are based on their perspective." — Shared by Lono Ho`ala... see his site at It...

Huna wisdom – Attachment

"You can't have true connection to that which you are attached" This, for me, is similar to the understanding that "You can't love that which you care about" The later one is perhaps a little challenging for someone identified with the ego-mind to comprehend, yet I...